Skin Care Tips for Men: Keeping Your Skin Healthy at All Times

Skin Care Tips for Men: Keeping Your Skin Healthy at All Times

For men who shave, the necessity of keeping skin protected during the cold months is even more important. While the cold is wreaking havoc on your skin, still you have to continue shaving your facial hair, unless you can get away with a scraggly, unkept beard. In order to keep men’s skin healthy during the winter season, here are some skin care tips for men especially those who shave regularly.

1. Moisturize!

1. Moisturize!You can never get enough moisturizer during the cold days. Your skin will not forgive you if you forget to apply moisturizing products such as lotions, creams, and moisturizers. Both men and women need to keep this in mind when cold weather sets in. It is advised to apply moisturizer twice a day – one in the morning and one at night before you sleep – in order to maintain a supple and healthy skin when the cold weather arrives. After a couple of weeks or more, you should be able to see if your moisturizing product is doing a good job on your skin. Noticeable changes such as decreased flaking, reduced dryness and redness are results of an effective moisturizer. 

2. Cut down on face cleansers.

2. Cut down on face cleansers.Cleansers and shower gels work in much the same way. They remove dirt and grime on the skin, as well as the natural oils that the skin produces. This natural oils are meant to protect the skin by keeping it hydrated and healthy. Without these oils, the skin trends to dry up and become flaky and easily irritated. During winter time, your skin will benefit much from this natural protection as it will keep skin’s natural moisture locked in. When using cleansers and soaps, the skin’s natural protection is stripped off. So, during cold weather, make sure that you do not go overboard on washing and cleansing your face and body to avoid dryness and irritation. 

3. Pass up on products containing mineral oil.

3. Pass up on products containing mineral oil.Mineral oil contained in skin creams and lotions is great at keeping the skin hydrated as it forms a thin layer on the skin’s surface. When temperatures go down to below freezing levels, the cold can pass through the layer of mineral oil, but the moisture that gathers under on the skin can not get through it. The danger is in the moisture in the skin getting frozen and causing freeze burns.  Instead of mineral oils, choose products that contain natural, plant based oils which are safe to use on the skin no matter what the temperature is. They allow the skin to breathe so there is no danger of getting freeze burns.

These are some of the basic skin care tips you need to know during the cold weather. In addition to these, if you are shaving regularly, you also need to take note of the following shaving practices that will help to keep your skin healthy and protected from irritation.


  1. Do not use soap to clean your face before a shave. This can cause your skin to go dry and easily irritated while you shave. Use non-soap cleansers that are gentle on the skin.
  2. After shaving, follow-up with a moisturizer. Products that contain aloe are especially good to the skin and will reduce irritation and redness caused by the cold and shaving. You can apply moisturizer while your skin is still a little damp so it will absorb and lock in moisture. If redness and irritation are present, you can use products with hydrocortisine to soothe skin and reduce redness.
  3. Apply some antiseptic lotion or cream. Natural ingredients like witch hazel, teat tree extract, and aloe vera contain anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties. Using this on your shaved skin will prevent infection from setting in and causing inflammation.
  4. Finally, apply some after-shave lotion. Go for products that contain natural ingredients, avoiding harsh chemicals that may further irritate skin and cause inflammation. Fragrances can also cause irritation, so go easy on the perfumed aftershave and choose the fragrance free, all natural ones as much as possible.Even men’s skin need extra care during the cold winter season and especially after shaving.

These two conditions are capable of causing dryness and irritation that is why it is necessary to know and apply the skin care tips for men enumerated above. By following these tips, we believe that perfectly healthy and young looking skin can be achieved any time of the year.

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